* Last updated for the 2024-2025 school year.

Assemblies The Assemblies Committee plans the assemblies for the entire student body – normally four assemblies targeted September/October, December, March, and May. The committee works with the principal to gain her input on the type and objective of the assemblies for the year.
Battle of the Books Assist with communication by posting important Battle of the Books dates to the Prospect Newsletter. Battle of the Books is open to 4th and 5th grade students. You do not need to attend Battle of the Books meetings.
Bike Rodeo This committee plans the annual school Bike Rodeo, traditionally hosted after school one day at the beginning of the school year, for 3rd through 5th graders. It’s a fun rite of passage for our older students who would like to receive the “license” to ride their bike to school. Prospect works with a local bike shop, the Clarendon Hills Police Department, and State Farm Insurance to create stations where the kids receive a safety check for their bike and helmet, ride through a bicycling safety course, and finally get their bike registered with the school and the Clarendon Hills Police Department.
Book Fairs

Working through Anderson’s Book Store, Prospect holds two Book Fairs for the student body and parents (one in fall and one in spring), as a fundraiser for the library. Prospect’s Teacher-Librarian takes primary responsibility for the scheduling, planning, and execution of events; however, support from our parents is still necessary.

Class Pictures

In the fall, Prospect holds both an All-School Photo and a Class Picture Day where individual student and staff photos are taken. The All-School Photo is completed outdoors in September. Generally, it has been held in the morning, with the afternoon kindergarten students invited to join. The Class Picture Day is scheduled for September/October. The committee helps schedule and communicate picture days, and provides assistance at school on days photos are taken.

Communications/ Website

The Webmaster works closely with the PTO Presidents to maintain Prospect PTO’s website using Membership Toolkit. All work can be done from home, and no prior experience is necessary/training is provided. This is a great role for someone who would like to help out but is not available during school hours.

Curriculum Night Parents Night Out

Coordinate with a local establishment for a parents only gathering following Curriculum Night in the September.


EcoPanthers is Prospect School’s “Green” club, adheres to the motto “Respect ourselves, Respect each other, Respect the environment” and is coordinated by the 5th grade staff. The club meets once a month throughout the year. The EcoPanthers promote waste-free lunches, recycling, the nurturing of our environment, and assist with the upkeep of our very own outdoor learning center. The EcoPanthers liaison volunteer helps promote information about the club in our school newsletter and other general duties as requested by the 5th grade staff. Volunteer does not need to attend EcoPanther meetings.


Act as liaison to our local media contacts and provide information or photographs where appropriate. Keep a scrapbook of any clippings that occur involving Prospect’s events throughout the school year.

Fall Family Fest

Last year's Prospect Pride Family Fest debut event was such a success that we're bringing it back! Help plan and execute the Prospect family back-to-school party and raffle in the first few weeks of school. Planning to begin during summer.

5th Grade Activities

The 5th Grade Activities Committee is a committee of 5th grade parents who plan and execute fun and engaging activities/parties for the 5th grade students. Generally, there is one party per “season” (fall, winter, spring). Most parties are held outside of school hours, Sunday evenings, and off-school premise. The final activity is the making of a video of 5th grade students, to be shown to the students and their parents at the “Clap Out” held on the last day of school.

Gift Wrap Fundraiser

The Gift Wrap Fundraiser committee coordinates this popular fall fundraiser working with a company representative to provide catalogues to families so they may purchase gift wrap and related items. The committee chair and volunteers handle the publicity (via school newsletter and socials). This fundraiser has been an annual favorite of Prospect families!


The Grounds Chairpersons work with the District to maintain the school grounds. This is perfect for people who enjoy gardening. The landscapers take care of weekly weeding and there is a sprinkler system installed that handles watering. Volunteers monitor the maintenance of sprinkler system, and seasonally select, purchase, and plant flowers in the school planters. In addition, the Grounds committee ensures the crosswalks are repainted prior to the beginning of school. The Grounds committee also publicizes the “Buy a Brick” program (a PTO fundraiser) in the spring every other year, and oversees the installation of the bricks by the landscaping company.

Holiday Bazaar

The Holiday Bazaar is a break-even activity provided to our students by the PTO where students can shop for holiday gifts for their immediate family/pets in secret and at affordable prices. There is also a section where parents can shop for items like School Spiritwear. This event historically takes place on a Saturday afternoon in early December in the gym.

Hot Lunch

Our PTO does the work to make a purchased Hot Lunch available to all our students twice a month (typically on a Wednesday) during the school year. These days are as anxiously awaited by parents/caregivers (who get to skip making a lunch for the day) and students (who love hot lunch). This committee works with an outside school vendor to plan the set menu delivered each hot lunch day. Hot lunch sign up occurs at the beginning of the school year.

Inspiration Club for Girls

Plan themes, speakers, crafts and activities for the monthly GIRLS Club meetings. Open to 4th and 5th grade girls. This club typically meets during the students’ lunch hour.

International Night

Plan and run a global festival open house, featuring food and a talent showcase contributed by Prospect families. This event will encourage cultural curiosity, educate Prospect families, and offer opportunity to deepen their global connectedness. This event generally runs every other year.

Library Volunteers Being a volunteer in the library is a great way to see your kids in their school environment! Volunteers will help with book check-ins, check-outs and shelve returned books. The Library Coordinator will ensure all volunteers are assigned a date and time during their child/children’s classroom library visit. Monthly volunteer schedules are coordinated via email. Library volunteer sign up will occur in the early fall.
Music Volunteers Being a volunteer in music class is a great way to see your kids in their school classroom environment! Volunteers will help with filming segments of music class and upload onto SeeSaw for all parents to enjoy. Monthly volunteer schedules are coordinated via email by the Music Committee co-chair.
Music Choir Librarian This position may be best suited for a parent of a choir student. Organize choir music files and create a Google document listing all choir music. Hours are flexible and can be done from home.
Music Website Tech-savvy parent needed to work directly with Prospect Music Teacher to update the Prospect music department website. This position could be done outside of school hours.
Newcomers Our Newcomers Committee has the important task of welcoming and helping to orient all of our new Prospect families – both those beginning with a new Kindergartener and those new to the community with children in other grades. This committee plans a Kindergarten Mix and Mingle, as well as a New Family Orientation (Grades 1-5) held just before the start of school. The committee helps new families find ways to connect and feel comfortable at school. They can also provide suggestions of how to get involved with the PTO. Most of the work is done at the beginning of the school year.
Nominating The Nominating Committee has the very important job of seeking qualified individuals to be the nominee for each office of the PTO Executive Board. Ideally, the Nominating Committee members will be comprised of individuals who have children spanning the various grade levels at Prospect.
Robotics Club Plan and execute a 4th and 5th grader after-school Robotics Club using LEGO Mindstorms. Volunteers will also manage the registration and communication for the club.
Room Parent Coordinators The Room Parent Coordinators finalize Room Parents for each class and hold an orientation meeting with all Room Parents in September. At this meeting, details and instruction is given for how to run the classroom parties that happen throughout the year. Room Parent volunteer sign up will occur in the early fall.
School Supply Committee The School Supply Committee provides easy access for Prospect parents to order school supplies through an online vendor. The committee chair works with the vendor to finalize teacher approved supply kits, set up online ordering forms, and organize delivery to the school in August.
Science Week Develop a theme and plan Science Week (historically held mid-March).
Shop 'n Share Shop ‘n Share is a committee that focuses on creating fundraising opportunities with family friendly restaurants and retailers in our community. Restaurants and businesses donate a portion of sales made by Prospect parents during an agreed upon time frame back to the school. The committee aims to schedule 6-9 events during the school year.
Sister School Help us re-envision our partnership with a sister school. Ideas include a coat drive, book drive, and opportunities for our students and the sister school students to interact.
Spelling Bee Prospect hosts a Spelling Bee on an annual basis. Historically, during the month of January, class spelling bees are held in each of the 3rd through 5th grade classrooms during the school day. There are different word lists used for each grade and those lists are sent home with students during the previous weeks. Student participation is optional. The top finalists from each classroom advance to an all-school Spelling Bee held the following week. The top two winners advance to the District 181 Spelling Bee. This is a one-time event commitment and can be done outside of school hours.
Spirit Wear Promote Prospect School spirit by selling t-shirts, gear, and other items with the Prospect name or Panther logo. Sales occur at the beginning of the school year and wrap up before the holidays.
Strategic Gifts Following a defined process, the Strategic Gifts Co-Chairs solicit requests for the funding of new school projects. Work with the school administration, PTO executive board, and teachers to review, prioritize, and fund requests. The Strategic Gifts Chairs are traditionally the immediate past years’ PTO Co-Presidents.
Student Leadership Team The Student Leadership Team consists of 4th and 5th grade students and is one of the largest and most cherished clubs at Prospect! This amazing group is comprised of students who want to become true leaders and be examples of leadership to younger students in various capacities such as community outreach, in-school programs, and team-building activities. Student Leaders provide support to community events and other PTO committees in need of student assistance. The group meets once a month.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation The Teacher and Staff Appreciation committee works to organize activities that demonstrate appreciation from students and parents to our Prospect teachers and staff. The committee is able to creatively determine what sort of activities it would like to plan. Historically, surprises of student-written thank you notes, luncheons, and other gifts of food and flowers are just a few of the fun treats that have been planned. The largest commitment occurs in May during Teacher Appreciation Month; however, the committee may alternatively choose to spread the events throughout the year intermittently. This committee also supplies recognition on Principals Day, Custodian Day, Administrative Professionals Day, Crossing Guard Day, Nurses Day, and for any teacher/staff retirements.
Unity Day The Unity Day committee works closely with the principal and staff to plan and execute activities for Prospect’s participation in Unity Day; typically held in October.
Walk To School Day The Walk to School Day committee coordinates Prospect’s participation in the International Walk to School Day that occurs each fall. This is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. The committee encourages families to walk or bike to school that day and a “walk” takes place around the school grounds, with a short ceremony at the flag pole right after school begins.
Yearbook Create the annual Prospect School Yearbook. Supervise a committee of 1-2 parent volunteers per class in creating class-specific collages. Manage the submission of all materials to the printers by the spring deadline. Yearbook volunteer sign up will occur in the early fall.